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Kristina: I have lot of hobbies and skills, i dance, si...

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  • 21 岁 女性, 星座: 处女座
  • Kyiv, 乌克兰
  • 乌克兰(流利的), 俄语(流利的), 英语(媒介)
  • Student
  • 没有小孩
  • 最后在线: 2023年6月22日

  • ID: 1001781462
 可信度 -  60%
Private details and contact information
性别 女性
孩子 没有小孩
想要小孩 我稍后再告诉你
身高 5.10 - 5.11 英寸 (176-180厘米)
体型 有魅力的
种族 高加索人
宗教信仰 基督教
婚姻状况 一个
学历 本科生
吸烟者 没有
酒徒 没有
我期待 男性
筛选年龄范围 25-49
关系 婚姻, 关系, 浪漫
I have lot of hobbies and skills, i dance, sing, take part in some contests. I draw, sing, play tennis, skate, ski, roller skate and cycle. I have tried almost everything from active hobbies.
I like architecture, literature and enjoy beauty of this world.
Beautiful people inspire me, like my mother. She gave me example how to be strong and beautiful woman. My family is not full, father left us when i was young. But i am never giving up and have hope for a good future together with my ideal match.
My ideal match should just be himself, never hide any character treats. Responsible after his words and deeds. Having pets would be a big advantage!